We all know that Texas is bipolar when it comes down to our weather. In our January blog, we discuss some fun indoor cold weather entertainment ideas for kids to keep the fun coming no matter the weather. We’ve got you covered with exciting options to keep everyone entertained and engaged, regardless of the unpredictable Texas climate.
Bring the Party Inside
Don’t let the weather ruin your party. Rain or shine, Rent Giant Games will ensure that the party will still go on! We’ve been seeing a decrease in weather change here in Texas, so when temperatures are close to freezing our games are perfect for indoors. Our games can easily be assembled and taken apart to move from one room to the next. This ensures endless fun regardless of the weather conditions outside!

We Always Got You Covered!
Here at Rent Giant Games, we offer all the iconic games such as Jenga, Connect Four, Beer Pong, and many more, but GIANT! Jenga and Connect Four are a hit for the kids because the pieces are giant compared to them. Not only are the games the perfect entertainment for the kiddos, but parents also get a kick out of it because it brings them back to their childhood and makes them feel like a kid again. Our oversized games add an extra element of excitement and nostalgia to any gathering, creating unforgettable memories for guests of all ages.
Ready to Rent?
Don’t ever let the weather bring you down on your special day. Rent Giant Games has your event cover no matter the weather. We provide all the fun indoor cold weather entertainment ideas for those in South Texas. We know that Texas has a mind of its own. Save yourself the trouble and stress, our games can easily be brought indoors and outdoors!
What are you waiting for? Entertainment awaits, request a quote now with Rent Giant Games!